Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bug Light

The Portland Breakwater Light (also called Bug Light) is a small lighthouse in South Portland. The lighthouse's flashing red beacon helped guide ships from Casco Bay through the entrance to Portland harbor.
The lighthouse was first built in 1855, as a wooden structure, but the breakwater was extended and a new lighthouse was constructed at the end of it. The new lighthouse was made of curved cast-iron plates whose seams are disguised by six decorative Corinthian columns.

Wooden sheds and a six-room house for the lighthouse-keeper were added incrementally as needed. In 1934 Spring Point Ledge Light was erected and the houses around Bug Light were demolished and the lighthouse keeper tended to both lighthouses. The lighthouse was abandoned in 1943 as the breakwater entering the harbor receded.

Today this light is currently active. It was fully restored in 1989 and was reactivated in 2002. And it is a really cool place to explore!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful light house - amazing to think it is 150 years old! Cute shots!
