Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Happiest Birds on Earth

Disney World has lots of birds. All different kinds. Except for Pelicans. And they are used to being close to people. The gulls get quite a few free lunches, taking advantage of people not paying attention. What little opportunists they are! While walking from ride to ride I did a little bird watching, although I have no idea what some of them are. Here are a few from the Magic Kingdom.
This Snowy Egret liked being the center of attention, as long as nobody got too close. They are beautiful birds.

I don't know what these birds are, but they made me laugh. They looked like they could be in one of Disney's cartoons.

These two gulls were catching cheerios in midair that a little boy was throwing off the side of a ferry boat heading to the Magic Kingdom.

What are you looking at?!? I'm busy looking for food, so no pictures please...
Hope you enjoyed these Disney birds. I sure did. We found lots of Pelicans at the beach later in our travels, so I'll post those another day. I love Pelicans...

1 comment:

  1. I suspect those birds are the happiest on earth! You did a great job capturing them and their terrific expressions. I have to say I will never look at seagulls without thinking of that great scene from Finding Nemo! "Mine, mine, mine!"
